Amak Towing Company specializes in the following services:
Harbor and Assist Tug Services
Ocean Towing
Construction Support
Ship Assist and Ship Escort
Shipyard Vessel Assist
Contract Towing
Dredging Support
Crew Boat and Supply Boat Services
Pilot Boat Services
Port Security and Escorting
Harbor Tours and Special Occasion transportation
Emergency Response
Barge Service
Harbor and Assist Tug Services
Ocean Towing
Construction Support
Ship Assist and Ship Escort
Shipyard Vessel Assist
Contract Towing
Dredging Support
Crew Boat and Supply Boat Services
Pilot Boat Services
Port Security and Escorting
Harbor Tours and Special Occasion transportation
Emergency Response
Barge Service
Service Areas
With corporate headquarters in Ketchikan, Alaska, Amak Towing is able to meet the needs of customers throughout Alaskan waters.
Southeast Alaska including: Ketchikan, Sitka, Metlakatla, Thorne Bay, Hydaburg, Petersburg, Juneau, Skagway, Haines, Yakutat, Craig, Wrangell, Klawok, Thorne Bay and Gustavus
South Central Alaska including: Anchorage, Kenai Peninusula, Cordova, Homer, Seward and Valdez
Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea including: Bristol Bay, Kodiak Island and Dillingham
Northslope including: Prudhoe Bay, Nome and Kotzebue
Southeast Alaska including: Ketchikan, Sitka, Metlakatla, Thorne Bay, Hydaburg, Petersburg, Juneau, Skagway, Haines, Yakutat, Craig, Wrangell, Klawok, Thorne Bay and Gustavus
South Central Alaska including: Anchorage, Kenai Peninusula, Cordova, Homer, Seward and Valdez
Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea including: Bristol Bay, Kodiak Island and Dillingham
Northslope including: Prudhoe Bay, Nome and Kotzebue